Monday, October 1, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

Wow. It is October first and we leave in 3 days. I'm excited but I don't think its really sunk in yet that we're going because up until yesterday both of us were still working. I have yet to pack anything so I was thinking I kind of REALLY have to get going on that. Like now actually. But nothing says procrastination like blogging, right?

So, regardless of the fact that I have many things to organize, sort and try to make fit I'm going to give a little run down on what we've been up to for the last month or so . . .

Here is an adorable wild turkey family we saw crossing the road a while back while driving home from Matunuck oyster bar. (insert funny joke re: turkeys crossing road versus chickens).

Since then we've seen a lot of turkeys around South County just walking around like they own the place. I think they should be careful - Thanksgiving isn't that far off after all. The best part, besides the obvious cuteness factor, is that I've now had the word 'gaggle' stuck in my head for weeks.

We also went riding in Goddard Park in Warwick which was a ton of fun. I haven't been since I moved back to Rhode Island from St. Thomas so it was long overdue. Matt had only ever been once before and his mother, Barbara, used to ride but not recently so we were all a little sore after but it was a great time. And the weather was perfect, too!

Matt and I wanted to go out and eat somewhere nice before leaving the state and he had never been to Bacaro in Providence, which is one of my favorites, so we headed there and ate enough to require Alka-seltzer. Totally worth it. They have these truffled scallops with mushrooms that are pretty much perfect. In the effort of not turning this into a food blog (at least not yet) I will leave it at that. Just imagine awesomeness. And of course part of the fun was getting to see Andy one last time (he is the husband of our friend and a glorious waiter there who if you go you should ask for and then tip outrageously).

Even though you can't really see it I was wearing my new sweater which has a chicken in a beret on it. I find this hilarious so I will probably be in a lot of future pictures sporting this look. I think I have to name him/her . . .

Matt was very productive and has done more than me to get ready for the move (and by more I mean he has done 1 thing. I will catch up). He was impressive and manly and installed a roof rack on the truck so we can get his surf boards to Cali easily. I contributed by taking pictures and complimenting the great job he was doing.

I spent some time in Jamestown with Linda and her friend Gail learning how to can. I never had though my mother used to can all sorts of things when I was little. So we were making jam and it was a lot of fun. I have a jar of blackberry bay and Matt has one of peach rhubarb ginger to take with us to Cali so we will have a taste of Rhode Island when we get there.

We met my dad and Wilma at Fluke in Newport for dinner - another amazing RI restaurant. And we had a goodbye breakfast with my friend Anastasia and her son Matthew at the Liberty Elm Diner. Notice my incredible restraint in not describing the food. ***Patting self on back***

Other than that we have been working, driving to work, and sleeping. Our last day at Persimmon was yesterday and I realized I had no shots of Matt in the kitchen so I had to take a couple. I have had such a good time watching him work so I figured I'd take a few pics so he (and you) could see my view for the past year.

And there you have it. September in a nutshell.

Today we have some errands - bank, groceries, etc. - then packing. And tonight we are having a goodbye meal in Jamestown with my family. Going to get started. Should probably have a cup of tea first though :)

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